18.5 miles of air-bubbled bliss

It’s hard to write about running when 20 children were senselessly gunned down a few days ago. It makes me realize how frivolous running is, and how much a luxury. Think of it! Even a bad bonk, even a run that’s a struggle from start to finish is still a gift because we’re alive, we’re […]

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Speed ladder and Christmas dog

Last night it was 2 degrees outside and the air was sharp and cold, so I escaped to the gym for speedwork on the treadmill. I used to hate the treadmill but I’m beginning to appreciate its charms. I like that I can set it to a pace and run evenly, without slow or fast lapses. I like […]

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16 miles and more moose

Well, we did it. We suffered through 16 miles in 9 degree temps. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, either. The funny thing is that the distance didn’t scare us, just the cold. So either we are becoming stronger runners or wimpier Alaskans. We ran along the Coastal Trail, and in open […]

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Moose madness

This cute moose paid us a visit this afternoon, right before dark. Good looking, no? (I think it has a crush on me. It followed me and The Beebs home from the park.) There’s something so magical about encountering moose, even though it happens often in the winter, when they move in closer to town and […]

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