Like, ten minutes of sunshine

Today an amazing thing happened: The sun actually peaked through the clouds. Yeah, we had about 10 minutes of sporadic sunshine. The first in over a week. It’s been raining so much, and so hard, that they’ve declared an emergency out in Mat-Su, where David and Jonnie, my doggie sitters live (hope their house didn’t […]

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My book!

I haven’t run yet today. I may still head to the gym and attack the treadmill (we’re having 100 mph winds here). And then again, maybe I’ll blow it off (no pun intended). Because …. My novel galley proofs arrived today. Yep, a good a looking UPS man delivered them safely to my door, all the way […]

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M-M-Moose charge

The other night MM and I took the Beebs out to Propect Heights trailhead. It was an awesome evening, cloudy and still, the air smelling of fallen leaves and that distinct, sharp, clear smell of autumn. We ran up Southfork Trail, around a few others and then up Powerline Pass to the Flattop trailhead. It was up, and up. […]

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Run, rabbit, run

I had two awesome runs in a row this weekend. They were both perfect. Because really, can anything beat autumn trail runs in the sunshine, when the sky is clear, the air crisp? Saturday I hit the Campbell Creek and Hilltop trails for 12.5 miles of trails and some killer hills. It was one of those runs where my […]

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Foolish runners, foolish choices

I was all geared up for a killer running week. Instead, I caught a nasty cold. I coughed so hard and for so long that the only thing that consoled me was that maybe, just maybe, I was getting a good ab work out in the process. When Sunday arrived and my head cleared and I was coughing […]

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