Duh! It’s not free shipping if it’s not free shipping

I didn’t have to work today. I was granted an unexpected day off. Like a pardon. So I spent the morning in an online shopping frenzy for new running shoes. Because you can never have enough, right? Imagine my excitement when I found a super bargain (like, less than half price) for my particular model […]

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Nailed it!

I nailed my 20 mile fast-finish trail run. This was a welcome surprise after my dismal 18-miler. I was terrified that I would bonk, yet that never happened. Except for an emergency bathroom stop at mile 14, I ran comfortably the whole way. I did the first 10 miles with Seriously, the dog we co-parent. […]

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18 not so glorious miles

So there I was, just past 14 miles of my 18 mile trail run, crouched down in the bushes, my shorts pushed around my ankles as I pretended to go to the bathroom; really I just wanted to get the hell off my feet. Don’t get me wrong. I had to go. I just didn’t […]

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